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Danieli S.p.A.
Danieli DigiMelter: the revolutionary system to melt steel, powered by Q-ONE
Member News
A new Q-One digital power system in operation at ABS Sisak
The results of the Danieli Automa- tion Q-One power system installed at ABS Sisak meltshop for special steel (Croatia), con rmed an impressive increase of active power availability and EAF ef ciency.
Q-One technology provides the most stable, low-disturbance effect ( icker and power factor) on the electrical power network along with the most advanced, dynamic, fast, electrode control system reducing electrode con- sumption through hi-performance power unit.
The upgrade of the 78-t melting unit by Q-One at ABS Sisak, led to 20% reduction of electrode con-
sumption and a 10% shorter pow- er-on time.
One of the targets of the upgrade at ABS Sisak was to comply with the narrower rules applied by the Croatian electrical energy supplier.
A very low network  icker due to a quick control of voltage and
current and a power factor con- stantly above 0,96 were achieved.
Q-One offers unmatched power control and handling and does not require any SVC installation.
Danieli Digimelter is the revolu- tionary melting tool and will open a new era in steelmaking.
Danieli Breda upgrade for special steel pipe
New order to revamp extru- sion line runout for Centravis, Ukraine
Centravis, the main supplier of extruded specialty steel pipe to the Ukrainian market, contracted Danieli Breda to revamp the runout system for its extrusion line, sup- plied by a competitor in 2007.
The new runout concept, devel- oped to improve the metallur- gical quality of the pipes and to reduce process inconsistency and plant availability, will be delivered during 2020.
A new cooling system equipped with double cooling stations, visual inspection, and a tank bypass system, plus scrap glass recovery
tools, have been custom-engi- neered for highly demanding pipe requirements and to meet the cus- tomer’s expectations.
The experience and know-how offered by Danieli Breda will support Centravis to consolidate
and improve its market leadership in special pipe applications.
ITAtube Journal No3/October 2019

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