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VOSCO Management Consultancy
Dr. Gunther Voswinckel
Scharnhorststrasse 45 41063 Mönchengladbach Germany
Tel.: +49 2161 309 255 Fax: +49 2161 912 520
Market information
Figure 20: Regional Steel Tube and Pipe Production > 406 mm (ktons) Source: ITA tube Journal/Wirtschaftsvereinigung Stahlrohre e.V.
tion remain major challenges to our industry.
Tube and pipe producers must carefully investigate how to reduce  x costs, e.g. lean organ- izations, with small overheads, and how to improve  exibility, agility and customer orientation.
New information technologies, such as “Industry 4.0” or also called “Internet of Things”, can provide interesting opportunities to establish sustainable future business. Such agile optimization processes may even open new windows to deal with the fast-var- ying demands tube and pipe pro- ducers are facing.
Plant builders as technology sup- pliers may  nd interesting busi- ness opportunities in this new market segment. Some technology suppliers have already reacted and complimented their product port- folio by digital solutions.
VOSCO Management Consultancy GmbH
Dr. Gunther Voswinckel
Leading by Experience – Our aim is the lasting enhancement of the value of your company
Board- and Advisory Board Mandates
Advisory Services for Invest- ment Projects
Inquiry Speci cations, Eval- uation of Proposals, Project Management
Due Diligence and Audits
Acquisitions, Company Appraisals and Strategic Plan- ning
Management Consulting
Globalization, Pro tability, Strategy, Investor Relation
Participation as Investor in Companies
ITAtube Journal No3/October 2019

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